Thursday, April 28, 2011

WOO HOO What's New?

I'm new to this blogging/vloging stuff. As you  can see I do have a few other blogs around. Most of then were art or  bitching and complaining about my daily  life ,this I will try not to that so much.

I have been watching and reading alot of blogs/vlogs and thinking wow these people are way to cheery , happy and errr phony. I  will not  name  names but I have watched and observed a few of these people to be users and  very selfish people they are out to make a buck and use peoples feeling of loneliness for their own benefit.

I'm not cheerful, I don't like  rainbows and puppies,ok maybe sometimes but I'm also trying to get away from the dsythemic. melancholy,goth side of me also. Somewhere there has to be a middle ground.

I'm going to make a vlog on YouTube,soon. I need to have my younger son help me out but for now I blog.

While I was driving I had two great ideas for today's blog but somewhere on my errand running I lost an idea. So if any one sees it please send it back home to me. I'm  not sure if I want to do that here or make a new blog. I think i will talk about one issue now.


Do these words really help a person to heal or forget a wound, or wrong doing? The C store,ran out of large lids,the manager said she was sorry and she got me a lid. No harm no foul. The garage after many attempts finally fixed my car, they said they were sorry and did not charge for the massive amount of labor they had to fork out. The Debit card person  said they were sorry for the misunderstanding and will get a new card right away. It doesn't help when you are broke and need that card NOW. You get cheated on by your mate. I'm sorry but I didn't mean to hurt you but....... Where is the line drawn when saying sorry helps? I personally say it alot, sometimes I mean it sometimes I don't. It also means, I got caught doing wrong and I need to say or do something fast. I read in some customer service site that you are suppose to say sorry it makes the customer feel better. I guess it does help me out. I really get upset when people say there is nothing that can be done about your suituation  done, deal.  No sorry, nothing,its not  my problem kind of attuide is what you get from them.  I have always tried my best in life to help others,if I cant help atleast I say a true heart felt apology,then leaving knowing I tried everything I could do to help them. Its tough being a super hero,true you get to wear a cape and tights but at the end of the day everyone points and laughs at you.

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